I’d be happy to help you bring the entire process into focus, so that you immediately know where you stand and are clear about what doing business in the Netherlands involves. We will then make agreements on the nature of our support, which could start as early as when you register yourself at the Chamber of Commerce.

I can also advise you on tax regulations and thoroughly prepare you for audits – having worked as an auditor myself, I know exactly what needs to be done. I’ll make sure you go through all the procedures and will put you in touch with the right people from my large and reliable network that I’ve built up over the years.

I work pragmatically, I don’t have fixed hours, and I’m here to support you.

 Wilhelmien Kempen

Benefits of MINA Consultancy

experienced and expert

a comprehensive service

practical solutions

24/7 availability

guaranteed certification


Are you considering establishing yourself in the Netherlands as a supplier, contractor, or subcontractor?

Please contact me – I'd be happy to help you get off to a successful start!

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Neem contact op met MINA consultancy +32 473 93 30 66
MINA consultancy KvK nummer KBO 0743786793